Guidelines for Class Leaders and Temple Residents and Volunteers

Our guiding principle is that all those participating in Zen Group activities should at all times behave in a manner consistent with the Buddha Dharma.  This means showing care and consideration for all.


There are monthly evening talks, Saturday introduction to meditation and Zen Sundays as well as a more structured introductory course which are open to any interested member of the public.

Participation in our evening sitting meditation classes, day-long and residential weekend and 5-day sesshins (retreats) is by invitation.  This is to ensure that those embarking on more serious training which can involve lengthy periods of meditation do so only after sufficient preparation and guidance.


Zen training is a religious practice and not a form of physical or mental therapy.  People with mental health or other medical problems participate on the clear understanding that we are unable to provide specific help for their special needs.  We are a religious educational charity with limited resources, established to teach Zen Buddhism.

Anyone reporting or displaying symptoms of physical or mental illness must be advised to seek appropriate professional help.  They must not substitute Zen practice for professional medical care. In cases of serious mental illness it may be necessary to advise the person to suspend their participation until they are deemed well enough to continue.   

Children and Vulnerable adults

Our classes are not open to minors.  All participants must be over the age of 18.   Should a child or vulnerable adult have occasion to visit one of our temples they must be accompanied at all times by a parent, guardian or other appropriate care-giver.