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Introductory Texts

Introducing Buddhism
by Irmgard Schloegl

The Zen Way
by Irmgard Schloegl

Living Buddhism
by Myokyo-ni

First Steps in Buddhist Practice
by Tim Blake
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Recommended Reading

Gentling the Bull
by Myokyo-ni

The Great Wisdom Gone Beyond
by Myokyo-ni

This book has now been republished with the new title The Great Wisdom Gone Beyond

Daily Chanting
Hampshire Buddhist Society
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Texts for Further Study

Discourse on the Inexhaustible Lamp by Torei Enji Zenji

The Ceasing of Notions by Soko Morinaga Roshi is no longer available from our website but can be purchased from Wisdom Books

The Bull and his Herdsman by Zen Master D.R. Otsu Roshi

Stories from the Old Silk Road by Eric Cheetham
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Towards Wholeness
by Myokyo-ni

Look and See
by Myokyo-ni

Yoka Daishi’s Realising the Way
by Myokyo-ni

The Selected Letters of
Master Daie Soko
With Commentary by
Ven Myokyo-ni

by Mumon Ekai
With Commentary by Soko Morinaga Roshi
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Records of the Transmission of the Lamp – Vol 1
Trans. Randolph S. Whitfield

Records of the Transmission of the Lamp – Vol 2
Trans. Randolph S. Whitfield

Records of the Transmission of the Lamp – Vol 3
Trans. Randolph S. Whitfield

Records of the Transmission of the Lamp – Vol 4
Trans. Randolph S. Whitfield

Records of the Transmission of the Lamp – Vol 5
Trans. Randolph S. Whitfield

Records of the Transmission of the Lamp – Vol 6
Trans. Randolph S. Whitfield

Records of the Transmission of the Lamp – Vol 7
Trans. Randolph S. Whitfield

Records of the Transmission of the Lamp – Vol 8
Trans. Randolph S. Whitfield
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Chan Master Dahui Letters
Trans. Randolph S. Whitfield

Chan Master Fenyang
Vol. 1
Trans. Randolph S. Whitfield

Chan Master Fenyang
Vol. 2
Trans. Randolph S. Whitfield

Records from the Ancestral Mirror
Trans. Randolph S. Whitfield

Schaut Hin und Seht
(Look and See)
by Myokyo-ni
Translated from the English by Ulrich Beck and Michelle Bromley

Das Lied der Erleuchtung
(Yoka Daishi’s Realising the Way)
by Myokyo-ni
Translated from the English by Ulrich Beck and Michelle Bromley

Die Unausloschliche Lampe
von Meister Torei Enji
(The Discourse on the Inexhaustible Lamp)
Translated from the English by Ulrich Beck and Michelle Bromley
£16.50 plus postage
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Lebendiger Buddhismus
(Living Buddhism)
by Myokyo-ni
Translated from the English by Ulrich Beck and Michelle Bromley
£6.25 plus postage
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