Upcoming Events
Tuesday Meditation and Zen Practice Evening (Online and In Person)
Next date: 1st April 2025
7.00pm- 8.30pm
Shobo-an Zen Temple
58 Marlborough Place
London NW8 0PL
We are using Zoom for our online events.
If you don’t already have the Zoom programme we suggest you install it before the meeting.
Saturday Meditation and Zen Practice Afternoon (In Person Only)
Next date: 12th April 2025
Shobo-an Zen Temple
58 Marlborough Place
London NW8 0PL
Starting at 2.30pm there will be a talk with practice guidance. This will be followed by sitting and chanting. There will be an opportunity to ask questions. Additional guidance will be offered to newcomers on sitting zazen (Zen meditation).
Zen Sunday online
Next date: 30th March 2025
Online schedule 11.00am 12:00pm and 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Zen Sundays are for newcomers wishing to learn more about Zen Buddhism and seasoned practitioners alike.
These classes are open to all, but are designed for those unable to attend during the week, allowing them to engage fully in the Zen training programme.
– Morning session run by senior members of Shobo-an Zen Temple
– Afternoon session led by ordained members of the sangha
This class is usually run on Sundays monthly (online schedule 11.00am 12:00pm and 2:00pm to 3:30pm) and is open to non-members and newcomers.
Please arrive a few minutes before the class starts to settle in.
These classes are free and open to non-members but students are encouraged to join The Buddhist Society as members to support their free classes and courses and donations are very welcome.
Login via Zoom- login details can be found on The Buddhist Society Zen Sunday page
Sunday Meditation Class: Coming Home in Daily Life
Free Online Class led by Debbie Sherlock
Runs each Sunday at 10am (unless there is a Zen Sunday) for 50 minutes.
(via Zoom – please visit the Buddhist Society website for login details)
This Course is Open to the Public, Free of Charge and there is No Need to Book.
Introduction to the principles of meditation both in sitting practice and daily life. The session will consist of a 15 minute talk on a relevant aspect of Buddhist practice and 30 minutes of sitting meditation with an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session.
Led by Debbie Sherlock, a Zen practitioner who has experience in both the monastic setting and lay life.